Secret FISA Memo Released

Kit Daniels | 23 Jan 2018 William Binney, former tech head of the NSA contacted us this morning to send us the link to the reportedly classified memo that lawmakers said was a blueprint of how the Obama administration and the Deep State spied on President Trump: READ THE FISA MEMO SEE BELOW – Binney…

Twitter engaged in Orwellian censorship

Project Veritas | 11 Jan 2018 [youtube]   Steven Pierre, Twitter engineer explains “shadow banning,” says “it’s going to ban a way of talking” Former Twitter software engineer Abhinav Vadrevu on shadow banning: “they just think that no one is engaging with their content, when in reality, no one is seeing it” Former Twitter…

The Dark Side of Wireless Technology

Epoch Times | 9 Jan 2018 New film explores hidden health problems linked to constant connectivity Wireless technology is modern magic. For the price of a device and a data plan, you are granted the power to communicate and connect to the World Wide Web through a pocket-sized screen. But some evidence suggests this magic…

Stage-3 myeloma cancer completely ELIMINATED with a turmeric supplement – British Medical Journal

Natural News | 4 Jan 2018 For decades, the medical establishment has colluded with the for-profit cancer industry to smear anyone who talked about herbs, spices or superfoods fighting cancer. Food doesn’t contain “medicine,” we were told by the dishonest establishment. Only FDA-approved toxic medications can “treat” cancer, the propagandists insisted. Yet millions of people…