Paedophiles In Parliament (2018)

Sonia Poulton | 2 Aug 2018 Journalist and Broadcaster Sonia Poulton explores the history of paedophile allegations in British Politics. My Fighting Fund:… Excellent resource for online historic cuttings: https://spotlightonabuse.wordpress.comhttps://cathyfox.wordpress.com ELM GUEST HOUSE CORRECTION With the new viewers who have been brought this way, we have also been made aware of a location…

Geopolitics and Pedocriminality

SWPRS | May 2023 New insights into the Jeffrey Epstein operation. The Wall Street Journal recently obtained access to late pedophile sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein’s personal calendar and thousands of pages of his emails, covering the period from 2013 to 2017. The documents reveal how Epstein’s days were “filled from morning to night with meetings with prominent people”, some…

Latest WikiLeaks’ Clinton Emails Include Child Trafficking, Anthony Weiner Info: Will Trump Win As A Result?

The Inquisitr | 4 Nov 2016 WikiLeaks has released another batch of emails from the account of Hillary Clinton’s campaign chair, John Podesta. On Friday, 1,800 emails were released in the latest leak, bringing the total count to 47,275. WikiLeaks had promised to release 50,000 emails before the election. Deleted Huma to Hillary email: Assange…