There Was No Pandemic

Denis Rancourt | 29 June 2023 Many of us are independently coming to this conclusion 1 . My summary is thus: Here’s some charts of England mortality data that I produced recently for someone on Twitter that serve to illustrate: And here’s Denis Rancourt’s independent summary. Obviously, I don’t think it’s “radical” at all since…

RFK Jr. Dismantles Doctor’s Pro-Vaccine Stance in Town Hall Meeting

The Defender | 29 June 2023 An exchange on vaccine safety and testing between Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Dr. Tariq Butt, a family medicine doctor, during a televised town hall hosted by journalist Elizabeth Vargas demonstrates that “we aren’t in an epidemiological crisis, we are in an epistemological one.” Epistemology is the theory of knowledge.…

‘Bombshell’ Study of Pfizer COVID Vaccine Suggests Some People Got Highly Dangerous Shots, Others Got a Placebo

The Defender | 29 June 2023 Danish scientists uncovered compelling evidence that a significant percentage of the batches of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine distributed in the EU likely consisted of placebos — and the non-placebo batches demonstrated higher-than-normal severe adverse events in recipients, prompting the researchers to call for further investigation. Danish scientists uncovered compelling…

Serious adverse events from Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine are not “rare”

Maryanne Memasi | 27 June 2023 Despite repeatedly claiming that serious harms of Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine are RARE, an investigation found no drug regulator could quantify the rate. Experts say it’s “hypocritical.” Drug regulators and public health agencies have saturated the airways with claims that serious harms following covid vaccination are “rare.” But there has been very…

Dr. David Cartland GMC Letter

Rise | 9 April 2023 Dr Cartland has been one of the most outspoken critics of the COVID Vaccination programme. He’s kindly allowed me to reproduce his letter to the General Medical Council from April 2022. David Cartland is a UK-based GP and vocal critic of the COVID Vaccination programme. He has a First Class…

Clinical Trial to License RotaTeq, Like Almost All Childhood Vaccines, Did Not Use a Placebo Control

Aaron Siri | 26 June 2023 Those attacking RFK are wrong. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is on record stating that almost all childhood vaccines were licensed based on clinical trials that did not include a placebo control. He is correct. Nonetheless, numerous news outlets, such as Stat News in its article titled “Correcting Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s vaccine…

‘Criminal’: Confidential EU Documents Reveal Thousands of Deaths From Pfizer-BioNTech Shots

The Defender | 23 June 2023 “Confidential” documents released by BioNTech to the European Medicines Agency reveal tens of thousands of serious adverse events and thousands of deaths among people who received the Pfizer-BioNTech mRNA COVID-19 vaccine during a time period when the vaccine makers insisted they saw no “safety signals.” Documents released by BioNTech…