Updated Johns Hopkins Study on Lockdowns Debunks the Fact Checkers

Thorsteinn Siglaugsson | 30 May 2022 ast January, the John Hopkins Institute for Applied Economics, Global Health and the Study of Business Enterprise published a working paper which showed clearly how lockdowns across the world did not affect Covid-19 mortality at all. The paper, is written by economists Jonas Herby, Lars Jonung and Steve H.…

The Monkey Business Behind Monkeypox Propaganda

Mercola | 30 May 2022 STORY AT-A-GLANCE Just as hysteria about COVID-19 is winding down, another “pandemic” is poised to take its place. This time, it’s monkeypox, a typically mild infection that often resolves in three to four weeks without treatment The first European case of monkeypox was confirmed May 7, 2022, in the U.K.…

CDC study purporting to find substantial protective effects for school mask mandates fails to replicate

Eugyppius | 29 May 2022 Womp womp. Last year, the CDC published a paper comparing Pediatric COVID-19 Cases in Counties With and Without School Mask Requirements. The authors looked at data from 520 United States counties, concluding that “Counties without school mask requirements experienced larger increases in … case rates … compared with counties that had…

Fauci’s researchers: natural immunity gives better immune response than Moderna Covid vaccine

TCW | 27 May 2022 The following is an excerpt from Just The News. A month before America’s top infectious disease bureaucrat conceded that mRNA vaccines offer only short-lived protection against Covid-19, Anthony Fauci’s researchers at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID) offered a possible explanation why. These vaccines target Covid’s spike protein,…

CDC and FDA Must Heed Evidence on Contraindications in the Immunocompromised and Revisit Possible Vaccine-Induced Disease Enhancement

James Lyons-Weiler | 28 May 2022 Autopsies are showing higher viral load in the vaccinated, with evidence of a pathological outcome – especially in the immunocompromised. In April, 2022, a landmark study, “High viral loads: what drives fatal cases of COVID-19 in vaccinees? – an autopsy study” was published in Modern Pathology – a Nature…

Monkeypox: Natural Outbreak or Engineered Bioterrorism?

SWPRS | 27 May 2022 The two key questions concerning the ongoing international monkeypox outbreak. According to international data, since early May about 500 confirmed and suspected cases of monkeypox have been reported in several Western countries. There is still significant uncertainty about the full extent of the current outbreak as the incubation period of monkeypox…