Drill, Baby, Drill! Biden Administration urges domestic oil producers to raise output

GWPF | 15 Dec 2021 1) Drill, Baby, Drill! Biden Administration urges domestic oil producers to raise outputArgus News, 14 December 20212) China begins walking back promises to reduce CO2 emissions Breitbart, 13 December 2021 3) As ‘China realises key role of coal’ its climate  pledges are in doubtSouth China Morning Post, 13 December 20214) Russia vetoes U.N.…

ISIS ‘Department of Artifacts’ document exposes antique loot trade via Turkey (RT EXCLUSIVE)

RT | 31 April 2016 See video A new trove of documents, obtained by an RT Documentary crew who recently uncovered details of illicit ISIS oil business with Turkey, sheds light on jihadists’ lucrative trade of looted antiquities along their well-established oil and weapons transit routes. There is no official accounting that would illustrate the…

Currency War Escalation: Iran Wants Euros Instead of US Dollars for Oil Payments

Silent Crow News  | 7 Feb 2016 Washington must be getting nervous with the latest announcement from Iran’s state-owned oil company, the National Iranian Oil CO (NIOC) which declared that Iran will replace US dollars with Euros for its oil trades according to a Reuter’s news article titled ‘Exclusive: Iran wants euro payment for new and outstanding oil sales…

The Death Knell For ‘Peak Oil’

GWPF | 25 Jan 2016 OPEC ‘Cannot Destroy The US Shale Industry’ Hedge funds and private equity groups armed with $60bn of ready cash are poised to snap up the assets of bankrupt US shale drillers, almost guaranteeing that America’s tight oil production will rebound as soon as prices start to recover. Daniel Yergin, founder…

What’s Really Going on With Oil?

F. William Engdahl | 24 Jan 2016 If there is any single price of any commodity that determines the growth or slowdown of our economy, it is the price of crude oil. Too many things don’t calculate today in regard to the dramatic fall in the world oil price. In June 2014 major oil traded…

Captured ISIS Terrorist Admits Stolen Oil Arrives in Turkey Daily

Stephen Lendman | 4 Jan 2016 Russian surveillance footage, independent investigative journalists and others exposed Erdogan’s oil smuggling racket, complicit with ISIS, refining and selling stolen Syrian and Iraqi oil on the black market – Israel a key beneficiary. Captured ISIS militant Mahmud Ghazi Tatar provided more evidence of illegal Turkish oil operations. His “commander…