Video Resurfaces Of Giorgia Meloni Supporting The Covid-19 Passport—She Was Also A Part Of The Aspen Institute, A Think Tank Backed By Bill Gates

Evie | 27 Sep 2022 A video of Giorgia Meloni showing her support of the Covid-19 passport has resurfaced. Meloni also appears to be a member of the Aspen Institute, a think tank backed by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Despite how mainstream articles want to tie Giorgia Meloni to “anti-vaxxers,” she wasn’t always critical of…

New Zealand Prime Minister calls for global censorship of misinformation at UN speech

Steve Kirsch | 27 Sep 2022 New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern talked about globally controlling misinformation and disinformation, but didn’t specifically mention COVID or vaccines. Check out this article: The problem she alludes to is that she believes that you cannot win an argument based on words alone. Governments must censor the speech of…