Censorship = dictatorship

Jessica Rose | 29 Nov 2021 So the censorship continues. I did a very detailed and informative interview with Frank McCaughey of Ireland on the subject of the pointlessness, potential harms and dangers associated with mass injection of children during this ‘pandemic’ with the known non-sterilizing COVID-19 injectable products. And it has been removed. You can watch it here.…

Fauci’s Most Blatant and Harmful Political Statement Yet. His Laughing was Inappropriate and Weird

James Lyons-Weiler | 29 Nov 2021 Repeats he “is Science”; Laughs off criticism during the pandemic. And no, Dr. Fauci, you are (still) not Science. This will not age well. Anthony Fauci lives in a delusion. In fact, there seems to be two Anthony Faucis. Yesterday, NIAID Director Anthony Fauci made what history will remember…

Europe blundering blindly into an energy emergency

Net Zero Watch | 29 Nov 2021 1) Europe’s energy crisis is about to get worse as winter arrivesBloomberg, 28 November 2021 2) European gas shortage will push up fertiliser costs and food pricesFinancial Times, 27 November 2021 3) Welcome to Net Zero: 25% of Scots live in fuel poverty while the poor are self-disconnecting from energy…

Sinister seizing of the unjabbed Aborigines

TCW | 29 Nov 2021 THE Northern Territory of Australia often produces a vague sense of unease due to its climate, desert landscape, remoteness and isolation. You wouldn’t venture far off the main highways. The Territory is also a focal point for the culture wars in view of its large indigenous population, who generally live in remote…

Omicron Hits the Mutation Jackpot

SWPRS | 28 Nov 2021 The South African Omicron variant is the first coronavirus variant to achieve immune escape from all three major antibody classes. Is it finally time to panic? Back in July, SPR presented a framework developed by the Bloom lab to easily identify the immune escape potential of new coronavirus variants based on three…

Tactical morality is worse than immorality

Bad Cattitude | 28 Nov 2021 At least the immoral have standards… not that it will be news to many of you, but this video compilation is just devastating. these are all the same people who now endlessly hector, force, intimidate, moralize, and mandate covid vaccines telling you how they would never take them because…