Deep History and the Global Drug Connection, Enter Al-Qaeda

Prof. Peter Dale Scott | 13 May 2016 Professor Peter Dale Scott sees what the rest of us miss. His decades-long investigation of the connections between the hugely lucrative and unstoppable global drug trade and the national security apparatus is unparalleled. The details are also highly complex and a challenge to absorb. Nevertheless, they demand…

How a Pink Flower Defeated the World’s Sole Superpower

Alfred W. McCoy | 21 Feb 2016 In October 2001, the U.S. launched its invasion of Afghanistan largely through proxy Afghan fighters with the help of Special Operations forces, American air power, and CIA dollars.  The results were swift and stunning. The Taliban was whipped, a new government headed by Hamid Karzai soon installed in…

El Chapo Reportedly Threatens ISIS Over Drug Trade

Prison Planet | 10 Dec 2015 “You are nothing but lowly pussies,” cartel leader allegedly tells ISIS The leader of Mexico’s deadliest drug cartel, Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán, reportedly threatened ISIS after its militants destroyed one of his shipments sent to the Middle East. El Chapo apparently wrote an encrypted e-mail to ISIS leader Abu…