The Death of Dr. Kelly: An Open Case

Press TV | 13 Jan 2013 This documentary studies the suspicious death of Dr. David Christopher Kelly, an internationally recognized British authority on biological weapons, after his claims before the Iraq war.   [youtube]

Sandy Hook: CT crime data confirms FBI report

Veterans Today | 28 Sept 2014 by Jim Fetzer (with Dr. Eowyn) “According to the Connecticut State crime report for 2012, there were 27 deaths in Connecticut that did not occur in any community or jurisdiction in Connecticut. But if no one died in Newtown, no one died at Sandy Hook”–Jim Fetzer Brasscheck TV claims that the…

Stunning Op-Ed in NYT: How Israel Silences Dissent

Dartagnan | Daily KOS | 27 Sept 2014 I haven’t seen anything quite like this in recent years from a major media outlet. The picture we are painted of Israel both by our politicians and in the U.S. media is one of a bravely struggling democracy, beset upon by threatening, radical autocratic regimes dominated by…

Huge Plunge in Kindergartener’s Vaccination Rates: Officials Stumped

by Christina Sarich | Natural Society | September 29, 2014 The number of parents deciding not to vaccinate their children is growing at an alarming rate – at least according to officials who are now nonplussed at the waking of humanity. Considering the quite ‘heavy’ vaccination schedules proposed by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP),…