Free speech is still worth fighting for

JONATHAN SUMPTION | 10 Nov 2023 Freedom of expression is probably the most widely acknowledged human right in the world. Lip service is paid to it even in totalitarian states. Freedom of expression is not worth much in Russia or North Korea, but their constitutions guarantee it in very similar terms as the United Nations.…

Censorship on trial

Maryanne Demasi | 11 Sep 2023 The Missouri v Biden lawsuit Missouri v. Biden has been described as one of the most consequential lawsuits of its time. Filed by the Attorneys General of Missouri and Louisiana on May 5, 2022, the lawsuit accuses the Biden administration of exerting undue pressure on social media companies in efforts to mitigate…

Australia’s Misinfo Bill Paves Way for Soviet-Style Censorship

Brownstone Institute | 21 Aug 2023 Australia’s Misinfo Bill Paves Way for Soviet-Style Censorship he Australian Government’s proposed new laws to crack down on misinformation and disinformation have drawn intense criticism for their potential to restrict free expression and political dissent, paving the way for a digital censorship regime reminiscent of Soviet Lysenkoism. Under the draft…

Twitter Ditches COVID Misinformation Policy, Plans to Reveal Internal Files on ‘Free Speech Suppression’

The Defender | 29 Nov 2022 Effective Nov. 23, Twitter is “no longer enforcing the COVID-19 misleading information policy,” the company said, adding that it will “soon” reveal internal files on the company’s “free speech suppression,” which could shed light on Twitter’s past actions in blocking content and banning accounts. Twitter has stopped enforcing its…


ICAN | 29 Nov 2022 When CDC authors conducted a study showing that vaccinated individuals could still spread SARS-CoV-2, they could not get it published, even in the CDC’s own MMWR! Background of the Study In January 2022, ICAN, through its attorneys, filed legal requests with the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the Wisconsin Department of Health for all…

Punching Down: How the “anti-disinformation” movement worked with Big Tech to protect Big Pharma

 Andrew Lowenthal | 23 Nov 2022 Hello readers, from the time my editor and I started The DisInformation Chronicle, we always planned to host essays from experts on corporate and government influence in science and medicine. Our first essay comes from Andrew Lowenthal who is the co-founder and former executive director of EngageMedia, an Asia-Pacific digital…


Abir Ballan | 16 Nov 2022 WHAT DON’T THEY WANT YOU TO KNOW? Find Dr Atlas, Hoover Institution, Global Liberty Institute, The Academy for Science and Freedom Share Find Mark Changizi on substack, Twitter, FreeX Find Joel Smaley on Substack Find Toby Young on Twitter, Facebook, Daily Sceptic, Free Speech Union Retracted Paper, Find Dr Peter McCullough on Telegram, Website VSRF Video, Find Dr Peter McCullough on Telegram, Website Share…

Government-Backed Propaganda in NZ

Guy Hatchard | 3 Nov 2022 Two days ago I wrote that last year’s government Covid advice about disinformation, when read today in the light of recently published science, was itself disinformation. That night I watched Web of Chaos, an hour-long TVNZ government-funded documentary compiled with the help of main players from our very own Disinformation Project.…