Is NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine) and Bromelain (BromAc) effective in breaking down the mRNA technology (or DNA) based COVID gene injection induced spike protein? Akhter et al.’s research says YES!

Dr Paul Alexander | 18 Apr 2023 This promising research suggests that recombinant spike and envelope SARS-CoV-2 proteins were disrupted by BromAc. Spike and envelope protein disulfide bonds were reduced by Acetylcysteine. These three (3) embedded studies raises very exciting potential for NAC and Bromelain as a means to dissolve spike protein. We have been…

Are These the 20 Most Important Supplements to Take?

Mercola | 24 Mar 2023 STORY AT-A-GLANCE Molecular hydrogen is a selective antioxidant, meaning it doesn’t indiscriminately suppress free radicals but, rather, helps your body make the antioxidants it needs Glycine and NAC are glutathione precursors; your body uses glutathione to increase the effectiveness of antioxidants such as vitamin C, which is why it’s known…

The Benefits of Vitamin C in Cancer Treatment

Mercola | 7 AUg 2022 STORY AT-A-GLANCE Examples of holistic therapies used for cancer include vitamin C alone and in combination with Artesunate (a malaria medication) and/or hyperthermia, curcumin, melatonin and mistletoe One key point to be made about holistic oncology is that the earlier you start this kind of treatment, the better. Most patients…

How Long Will We Ignore the Truth About Vitamin D?

Mercola | 5 Nov 2021 STORY AT-A-GLANCE A scientific review published in 2006 concluded that epidemic seasonal influenza is most likely related to the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency during winter months. Since then, other studies have confirmed this theory A 2010 study found there’s an inverse relationship between UVB sun exposure — which is…

Why You Need More Omega-3

Mercola | 14 Oct 2021 STORY AT-A-GLANCE According to recent research, adults with high glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD65) antibody levels (a marker for Type 1 diabetes) and low omega-3 levels had a more than fourfold higher risk of autoimmune diabetes In earlier research, GAD65-positive individuals who ate one or more servings of fatty fish per…

Two New Studies Test Quercetin And COVID Outcomes

Mercola | 14 Oct 2021 STORY AT-A-GLANCE Two recently published studies confirm quercetin is useful as an adjunct therapy in the early outpatient treatment of mild SARS-CoV-2 infection In one study, COVID patients who received quercetin in addition to analgesics and an antibiotic cleared the virus faster than those who only received analgesics and antibiotics,…

Current Curcumin Studies

Mercola | 13 Sep 2021 STORY AT-A-GLANCE Curcumin, the major biologically active phenolic compound in turmeric, ranks in the top five out of 25 compounds for effectiveness in lowering severity of COVID-19 The top drug, proxalutamide, is an androgen antagonist that limits the expression of transmembrane protein serine 2 (TMPRSS2), a receptor the virus uses…

Stage-3 myeloma cancer completely ELIMINATED with a turmeric supplement – British Medical Journal

Natural News | 4 Jan 2018 For decades, the medical establishment has colluded with the for-profit cancer industry to smear anyone who talked about herbs, spices or superfoods fighting cancer. Food doesn’t contain “medicine,” we were told by the dishonest establishment. Only FDA-approved toxic medications can “treat” cancer, the propagandists insisted. Yet millions of people…