ISIL supported by shadow governments: US journalist

Press TV | 30 Aug 2014 [youtube] The ISIL terrorist organization is “one of a network of groups,” who are supported by “shadow governments” and numerous regimes around the world, including Israel and the United States, an American journalist says. ISIL, also known as ISIS, “is one of a network of groups” that includes…

China: A Leadership Crisis in the Making?

Greg Austin | The Globalist | 29 Aug 2014 One of the greatest analytical challenges in the study of closed regimes is to understand when they are facing a leadership crisis. Frenetic policy action by what, after all, is a naturally conservative regime is often a sign of perceived leadership threat. In the months leading…

Washington Piles Lie Upon Lie

Paul Craig Roberts | 28 Aug 2014 The latest Washington lie, this one coming from NATO, is that Russia has invaded Ukraine with 1,000 troops and self-propelled artillery. How do we know that this is a lie? Is it because we have heard nothing but lies about Russia from NATO, from US ambassador to the…