THEY KNEW: Leaked Pelosi docs admit Obama, Clinton lied about Benghazi

American Mirror | 1 Sept 2016 Documents from Nancy Pelosi’s computer were leaked by the Romanian hacker “Guccifer 2.0,” including a memo showing that the House Minority Leader knew the Obama Administration and Hillary Clinton lied to the American people about Benghazi and choose to hide those facts. The memo states all talking points and background information about…

Did Hillary Run Guns Out of Benghazi?

Rush Limbaugh | 2 Aug 2016 BEGIN TRANSCRIPT RUSH: Julian Assange at WikiLeaks claims that there are a whole lot more emails coming.  And he says that they are about Benghazi, but not so much what you think of when you hear Benghazi.  Have any of you ever stopped to ask yourself, “What were we…

Benghazi Probe: Obama Officials Refused to Address Gun-running

The New American | 29 June 2016 In its final report on the death of U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans in Libya, the GOP-controlled House Select Committee on Benghazi failed to provide meaningful answers or accountability on the most serious issues and questions surrounding the attack. Chief among those issues was the…

Final Benghazi report details administration failures

Politico | 28 June 2016 The Clinton campaign dismissed the report as a partisan conspiracy theory. After more than two years, Republicans delivered a final Benghazi Committee report that ripped the Obama administration’s handling of the 2012 terrorist attack — but Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign dismissed the findings as “discredited” conspiracy theories. The 800-page report…

Democrats let Clinton of the hook re: Benghazi

RT | 28 June 2016 Following a two-year investigation, House Democrats absolved former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the US military over allegations of security lapses for diplomats in Benghazi, Libya. The report preempts the Republicans’ findings. “The Defense Department could not have done anything differently on the night of the attacks that would…

Clinton Falsely Claims No Lives Were Lost In Libya

The Daily Caller | 8 June 2016 Hillary Clinton claimed that no American lives were lost in the United State’s intervention in Libya, apparently forgetting the four Americans who lost their lives in the Benghazi terrorist attack. In an interview on PBS Newshour Wednesday, host Judy Woodruff asked Clinton, “We know that you, and you’ve…

Benghazi Hero: The Fall Of Hillary Is Imminent

Alex Jones | 13 May 2016 She should be in prison, not running for president [youtube] Benghazi hero and author of the now movie 13 Hours, Kris Paronto speaks out on how he feels seeing Hillary Clinton running for President after she caused the death of his friends and ambassador Christopher Stevens.

Phone Transcript Proves Hillary LIED About Benghazi Attack

Steve Watson | 15 April 2016 Clinton told Egyptian PM “We know the attack in Libya had nothing to do with the film” A transcript of a telephone conversation released by The State Department proves once and for all that Hillary Clinton knowingly lied about the Benghazi attack on the American diplomatic compound there in…

Emailgate: The Hillary Emails

Brandon Turbeville | 26 Feb 2016 In what has developed from a cursory spin-off issue from the Benghazi catastrophe in which US Ambassador to Libya and terrorist liaison Chis Stephens was killed, Hillary Clinton’s use of her private internet server and the server of the Clinton Foundation for emails that contained sensitive and confidential material…