Government considers fluoridation law change

Radio NZ | 1 Feb 2016 Associate Health Minister Peter Dunne said fluoridation is the most effective way to limit tooth decay, particularly in young people. Whakatane district council is the latest local body to adopt a no-fluoridation policy, with councillors voting six to five to scrap fluoride, despite majority support for adding it to…

Pentagon Prepares Another War in Libya

WSWS | 29 Jan 2016 A little less than five years after launching a war against Libya on the “humanitarian” pretext of preventing a supposedly imminent massacre, the United States and its European allies are preparing a new military assault against the oil-rich North African country under the bloodstained banner of the “war on terrorism.”…

MYTH BUSTED: Actually, Yes, Hitler Was a Socialist Liberal

Louder With Crowder  | 29 Jan 2016 A favorite tactic employed by leftists is to describe the Nazis as “right wing,” with Adolf Hitler, their leader, as the grand leader of this “right wing” movement. Rewriting history is pretty common for leftists, as their history is littered with injustice (the KKK was founded by Democrats, did you know?).…

Trump skips debate, wins on social media

Reuters | 29 Jan 2016 Donald Trump was the big winner across social media on Thursday night during the seventh Republican presidential debate – despite the fact that he did not attend. In all, Trump commanded 36 percent of the Twitter traffic during the debate, according to the social media company. The real estate billionaire…

Vaccines Suspended at UK School After Up to 15 Students Collapse

Adan Salazar | 29 Jan 2016 An investigation was launched into vaccines used at a UK school for boys after several students fell ill from receiving the jabs. As many as 15 Year 10 students at the Northampton School for Boys collapsed onto the floor Tuesday following a series of vaccines which resulted in severe adverse side effects. As one mother…

Is the dreaded Zika virus another giant scam?

Jon Rappaport | 28 Jan 2016 Hysteria sells and… It’s hysteria time again. Let me run it down for you. This is the word: The dreaded Zika virus! Watch out! It’s carried by mosquitos! It can cause birth defects—babies are born with very small heads and impaired brains! Here are a few scare headlines that…

New Study Allays Monsoon Alarm

GWPF | 28 Jan 2016 Good News Ignored By International News Media India’s monsoon is in no danger of catastrophic collapse in response to global warming and air pollution, two atmospheric scientists said today, refuting earlier predictions that the monsoon could shut down within 100 years. Their results contradict earlier forecasts by scientists at the…

Whakatane Stops Water Fluoridation

Scoop | 29 Jan 2016 Whakatane Stops Water Fluoridation: Money to Be Spent on Oral Health Care Programme After 44 years of water fluoridation, Whakatane District Council has voted to end the out-dated practice. Instead, they will consider providing funds to the District Health Board for targeted oral health programmes, like CHILDSMILE, which has been…