Ex-CIA Spy Brags About ‘Swinging’ 2020 Election With Hunter Biden Laptop Suppression Campaign

Jamie White | 28 Mar 2022 “I take special pride in swinging the election away from Trump. You’re welcome,” boasts ex-CIA National Clandestine Service officer John Sipher. A former CIA officer took to Twitter to boast about how he helped “swing” the 2020 presidential election “away from Trump” by trying to discredit the Hunter Biden…

New Zealand Cops Raided Home of Reporter Working on Snowden Documents: Glenn Greenwald

Glenn Greenwald and Ryan Gallagher | The Intercept | 17 Oct 2014 Agents from New Zealand’s national police force ransacked the home of a prominent independent journalist earlier this month who was collaborating with The Intercept on stories from the NSA archive furnished by Edward Snowden. The stated purpose of the 10-hour police raid was to identify the source for allegations that…