Kids Exposed to Fluoride Scored Lower on Cognitive Tests, Study Finds

Brenda Baletti, Ph.D. | 7 Nov 2023 Researchers from Tulane University linked high fluoride levels in wells to cognitive deficits in children in Ethiopia, finding more impairment with greater exposure. The study adds to concerns over fluoride’s neurotoxicity, especially for early brain development. Children with chronic exposure to high levels of fluoride in drinking water…

The Fluoride Scandal

NZDSOS | 23 Oct 2023 Episode 340 of The Highwire on 6 October 2023, The Fluoride Scandal included an interview with Michael Connett, Esq. A lawyer for Fluoride Action Network, Connett is Lead Attorney in a US lawsuit being brought against the Environmental Protection Agency, by a consortium of environmental health groups and individual mothers of children suffering from the impact…

Researchers Hid Data Showing Fluoride Lowers Kids’ IQs, Emails Reveal

The Defender | 30 May 2023 California’s dental director and his team of researchers intentionally omitted data from a study seeking to undermine the forthcoming National Toxicology Program report linking fluoride exposure to neurodevelopmental damage in children, according to documents released last week. A team of pro-fluoride researchers led by California’s dental director intentionally omitted…

Millions Face New Fluoridation Threats

Mercola | 21 June 2022 STORY AT-A-GLANCE Government-funded studies confirm skyrocketing fluorosis rates, fetal and infant neurotoxicity, and numerous other side effects from fluoridation The U.S. Centers for Disease Control has helped create and promote a new fluoridation system they hope will expose nearly 20 million more Americans to harmful levels of fluoride The governments…

Christchurch mayoral candidates say science & economics does not support water fluoridation | 22 Sept 2016 At The Press’ mayoral debate on Tuesday, John Minto, right, said there’s concern over the science regarding fluoride. Lianne Dalziel, left, said it’s too expensive. A medical expert is concerned both of Christchurch’s main mayoral candidates oppose water fluoridation. “The message is clear, the science is clear. The benefits are enormous,” Canterbury medical…