Control the Metal, Control the World

Pirate Wires | 15 July 2022 A new era of industry, China’s dominance in critical materials, and what America must do about it Today, China controls between 70 to 90% of all rare earth metals on the planet, hinging the fate of our entire technological infrastructure on an increasingly-hostile foreign superpower that has already used…

Chinese regime using climate policy as ‘weapon’ against the West

GWPF | 13 Dec 2021 The Epoch Times, 13 December — The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has twisted the climate change movement into a political and economic weapon against the West, according to a new report by The Global Warming Policy Foundation, a London-based non profit.  Titled “China’s Energy Dream,” the report details the CCP’s manipulation of international climate agreements…

26 of 27 Scientists Who Published Paper Calling COVID Lab Leak Theory a ‘Conspiracy’ Have Ties to Wuhan Lab

Mercola | 29 Sep 2021 A group of virologists in February 2020 published a letter in The Lancet stating they “overwhelmingly conclude that this coronavirus originated in wildlife.” Twenty-six of them had ties to China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology, which is at the heart of the controversy over its gain-of-function research using bat coronaviruses. Story…

‘Sky News’ Documentary: What Really Happened in Wuhan?

Mercola | 25 Sep 2021 STORY AT-A-GLANCE Australian journalist and “Sky News” host Sharri Markson’s explosive documentary, “What Really Happened in Wuhan?” features multiple experts who believe beyond any reasonable doubt that SARS-CoV-2 leaked from a laboratory in Wuhan, China In October 2019, the World Military Games was held in Wuhan, China; reports emerged of…

Evergrande Is A Distraction For A Much Bigger Crisis Happening In China Right Now!

YouTube | 23 Sep 2021 (Reuters) – China Evergrande Group (3333.HK) dollar bondholders were still waiting for information about a key interest payment due Thursday that has kept global investors on tenterhooks, but the property developer was instead expected to provide more clarity in the coming month, a source familiar with the situation said. Evergrande’s payment obligations…

Wuhan Lab Requested Funding From DARPA To Make Chimeric Viruses, Genetically Alter Coronaviruses To Make Them More Infectious To Humans

Infowars | 22 Sep 2021 A bombshell report has concluded that scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology and their affiliated partners attempted to secure $14 million in funding from the Pentagon’s scientific arm DARPA to genetically alter viruses, including bat coronaviruses, and make them more infectious to humans, just eighteen months prior to the…

Covid-19: Wuhan scientists planned to release coronaviruses into cave bats 18 months before outbreak

NZ Herald | 22 Sep 2021 Wuhan scientists were planning to release enhanced airborne coronaviruses into Chinese bat populations to inoculate them against diseases that could jump to humans, leaked grant proposals dating from 2018 show. New documents show that just 18 months before the first Covid-19 cases appeared, researchers had submitted plans to release…

Covid 19 coronavirus: Allegations of first ‘superspreader’ event occurred at Wuhan Military Games in October 2019

NZ Herald | 22 Sep 2021 A Chinese whistleblower has made the bombshell claim that the Covid pandemic could have emerged in Wuhan months before the first outbreak was officially reported. Chinese authorities confirmed the first cases were identified in Wuhan in mid-December 2019, with that information being released to the public weeks later. But…