How to Prepare for Coming Crises

Mercola | 17 July 2022 STORY AT-A-GLANCE Food, energy and economic crises are being fabricated according to a predetermined plan, just as the COVID pandemic plan was foretold during Event 201. In a recent Children’s Health Defense “Good Morning CHD” interview, I discuss how to prepare for these imminent crises The Rockefeller Foundation has been…

Big Pharma Set to Control Entire Food Supply. Monsanto-Bayer and Bill Gates Join Hands

Global Research | 2 May 2022 During the 1990s, Monsanto Corporation’s devastating attack against farmers; their genetically-modified Frankenfoods and their neurotoxic pesticides inspired people to push government into legislating certification standards for foods. But thanks to Big Pharma, Bill Gates and pop culture media brainwashing, Monsanto still stands strong and is ready to take complete…

STUDY: Daily Diet Soda TRIPLES Stroke Risk

The Sun | 20 April 2017 COCA KILLER Just ONE Diet Coke or Pepsi Max a day can ‘TRIPLE the risk of a deadly stroke’ and dementia, researchers claim The researchers also found links to dementia described as a “worrying association” by experts. But the findings were dismissed by some British authorities, while others have called…

Food regulations under review

NZCPR | 18 Nov 2016 Imagine being an artisan cheese maker, so proud of your product and your whole organic farming operation that you agree to Country Calender featuring you on their show. One would think that should be a good news story – but not so for 74 year old Biddy Fraser-Davies of Cwmglyn…

The Era Of Great Famines Is Over

GWPF | 10 May 2016   The battle to feed all of humanity is over. In the 1970s hundreds of millions of people will starve to death in spite of any crash programs embarked upon now. At this late date nothing can prevent a substantial increase in the world death rate. – Paul Ehrlich, The…

6 FDA-Approved Foods Banned in Other Countries

Natural Society | 5 May 2015 Did you know that various food ingredients and foods found in the United States are actually banned in other countries? Indeed, some nations have found the following foods so bad for your health that they have made them illegal, yet the US Food and Drug Administration says to eat…