CIA analysts were ‘bribed to change position’ on COVID-19 origins as Fauci led ‘orchestrated’ effort to undermine lab-leak origin theory

Sky News | 28 Nov 2023 A new Sky News Australia documentary reveals further evidence of the “orchestrated effort” to push the narrative that COVID-19 had natural origins, despite intelligence officials saying it “most likely” leaked out of the Wuhan Institute of Virology.  Intelligence officials and scientific experts have spoken out about the “orchestrated effort”…

The Wuhan Cover-Up: Scientists Lied as People Died

Paul Thacker | 2 Nov 2023 Four years later, we know that Anthony Fauci conspired with virologists to deceive the public and label critics as conspiracy theorists. Dear readers, I am writing today from Canada where I’ve flown to be interviewed for a documentary about the damage the COVID pandemic caused to our society. I…

Revealed: NIH Funded Research at Wuhan Lab to Create Mutant Bat Coronaviruses and Study Their Capacity to Infect Humans

Judicial Watch | 20 Apr 2023 Records obtained by Judicial Watch show the National Institutes of Health funded an EcoHealth Alliance grant for sequencing the spike protein from coronaviruses obtained from bats to “creat[e] mutants to identify how significantly each would need to evolve to use ACE2,” which is explained as “the receptor to gain…

The New York Times Confronts Anthony Fauci with Anthony Fauci

Paul Thacker | 4 Apr 2023 Even when his own emails are put in front of him, Fauci dissembles on the pandemic. “Attacks on me, quite frankly, are attacks on science,” Anthony Fauci said, blasting his critics during a 2021 interview about his advice on the pandemic. “All of the things I have spoken about, consistently, from…

‘No Doubt’ Fauci Funded Gain-of-Function Research That Likely Led to Pandemic, Former CDC Director Tells Lawmakers

Michael Nevradakis | 9 Mar 2023 Dr. Robert Redfield, former director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, on Wednesday said he has “no doubt” the National Institutes of Health and Dr. Anthony Fauci funded gain-of-function research that likely resulted in the creation of COVID-19 and its subsequent leak. Dr. Robert Redfield, former director…

Nearly 1,000 Days Late, US Senate Agrees with Me and Concludes Laboratory Spread Most Likely. Plus: Contrary to What Chinese Scientists Said, pShuttle-SN is closer to SARS-CoV-2 than to SARS-CoV-1

James Lyons-Weiler | 1 Nov 2022 As the first (or at least one of the first rare) scientist to report that it likely came from the lab, the US Senate is now in agreement using a consilience of the evidence. About pShuttle… On January 30, 2020, I published this article: That makes me if not…