The Psychology of Totalitarianism

Robert Malone | 29 Aug 2022 From our rationalist view on man and the world to mass-formation A European perspective. Guest substack editorial by Dr. Mattias Desmet. This is his first substack essay, and you can find his new substack here. I suggest you consider subscribing to it. At the end of February 2020, the global…

Shock news! The Telegraph publishes Jordan Peterson’s rallying cry on globalist doomsters

TCW | 18 Aug 2022 IN WHAT I think must be a first for the usually ‘conspiracy’-shy Telegraph, the once right-of-centre newspaper that’s been so reluctant to call out the globalist vaccine authoritarians has published an article by Jordan Peterson attacking their first cousins, the globalist peddlers of environmental doom.  Here is what Peterson had to say, expressing…

Uganda family values

YouTube | 25 May 2010 Intense hate speech against homosexuals by Martin Ssempa in Uganda. If you are interested in what this video is from check out Vanguard on Current TV. The clips in this video are from the episode “Missionaries of Hate.”

Why is Corporatist Media Now Normalising Cannibalism?

Maajid Nawaz | 28 July 2022 As if 2022 Wasn’t Weird Enough? Soylent Green is People. “It’s the Year 2022. People Will do Anything to Get What They Need. And They Need Soylent Green” Why is Corporatist Media Now Normalising Cannibalism? As if 2022 Wasn’t Weird Enough? Soylent Green is People. No, this is not…

How to Prepare for Coming Crises

Mercola | 17 July 2022 STORY AT-A-GLANCE Food, energy and economic crises are being fabricated according to a predetermined plan, just as the COVID pandemic plan was foretold during Event 201. In a recent Children’s Health Defense “Good Morning CHD” interview, I discuss how to prepare for these imminent crises The Rockefeller Foundation has been…