Emailgate: The Hillary Emails

Brandon Turbeville | 26 Feb 2016 In what has developed from a cursory spin-off issue from the Benghazi catastrophe in which US Ambassador to Libya and terrorist liaison Chis Stephens was killed, Hillary Clinton’s use of her private internet server and the server of the Clinton Foundation for emails that contained sensitive and confidential material…

U.S. Lawmakers Expand Probe Of Hiatus-Denying NOAA Study

GWPF | 29 Feb 2016 Did White House Collude With NOAA Over Temperature Adjustments? Republicans in the US House of Representatives are expanding their request for documents related to a major climate study by the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). In a 22 February letter to NOAA, Congressman Lamar Smith, the Texas Republican…

Teen concludes HPV vaccine ruined her life

Stuff | 14 Nov 2016 Olivia in Starship Hospital in Auckland in July this year, after her heart changed rhythm and caused her to keep blacking out. “Isn’t it crazy that life can be one thing – and in an instant it can be changed forever,” a Timaru teenager blogged at the end of last…

Fluoride in Auckland’s water reduced

NZ Herald | 28 Feb 2016 Auckland’s water provider has quietly reduced its target for fluoride levels in the region’s drinking water. But it denies the move was clandestine. Watercare has reduced its target fluoride levels from 0.85 parts per million to 0.7ppm. The Ministry of Health recommends fluoride content for drinking water in the…

Wolfgang Halbig Notches Win in Sandy Hook FOIA Fight

Fellowship of the Minds | 25 Feb 2016 Outstanding description by Tony Mead of what transpired at Wolfgang Halbig’s Connecticut Freedom of Information Commission hearing on Feb. 18. Here’s the takeaway summary: “As one observes the blatant attempts by the State to confuse, obfuscate and delay the release of these documents, it becomes apparent to…