Central Banker Appointed as Prime Minister of Ukraine

Kurt Nimmo Infowars.com February 27, 2014 A reshuffled Ukrainian Parliament installed following a coup last week has voted to appoint Arseniy Yatsenyuk as the new prime minister of the country. Yats, as Victoria Nuland, the Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs at the U.S. State Department, called him, is a natural choice.…

Ukraine’s Sickness and Europe’s Cure: Neo-Liberalism and Neo-Fascism Join Hands

Global Research February 25, 2014 Eric Draitser The situation in Ukraine is evolving by the hour.  Right wing ultranationalists and their “liberal” collaborators have taken control of the Rada (Ukrainian parliament) and deposed the democratically elected, though utterly corrupt and incompetent, President Yanukovich. Former Prime Minister, and convicted criminal, Yulia Tymoshenko has been freed, and…

Washington’s Response to Leaked Victoria Nuland Call Confirms US-EU Regime-Change Plot in Ukraine

Global Research 8 February , 2014 Alex Lantier Washington’s response has confirmed the authenticity of a YouTube clip of a leaked telephone conversation between US Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and US Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt that emerged Thursday. In the call, posted by an anonymous Russian source, Nuland and Pyatt discuss installing a new,…

Greenpeace co-founder: Earth’s geologic history ‘fundamentally contradicts’ CO2 warming fears

CFact 26 Feb 2014 Statement of Patrick Moore, Ph.D. Before the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, Subcommittee on Oversight February 25, 2014 “Natural Resource Adaptation: Protecting ecosystems and economies” Chairman Whitehouse, Ranking Member Inhofe, and members of the Committee. Thank you for the opportunity to testify at today’s hearing. In 1971, as a PhD…

Scientific journal retracts study exposing GM cancer risk

Ecologist 5th December 2013 F. William Engdahl The Journal of Food and Chemical Toxicology appears to have violated scientific standards by withdrawing a study which found that rats fed on a Monsanto GM corn were more likely to develop cancer than controls. William Engdahl investigates. Stringent criteria exist for a serious scientific journal to accept…