Amnesty International lambasted by Norman Finkelstein

Nizar Aboud | 10 July 2015 The Whole Point of Operation Protective Edge Was to Leave “Families Under the Rubble.” Human rights group accused of Israeli bias in their assessment of Gaza 2014 attack which caused the death and injury to thousands of Palestinians, mostly civilians. [youtube]

The Truth About Ayatullah Khomeini of Iran in 1979

Discovering Islam | 2012 Khomeini’s Background & His British Father With all bets off, the Iranian reformers have now struck at the heart of the revolution and are insisting on an inquiry into the disappearance of Imam (Ayatollah) Musa Sadr, some 25-years ago, during a visit to Libya. The Iranian-born leader of the Lebanese Shia, Imam…

NHS Bosses Paid By Drug Companies To Use Their Products

Investment Watch | 25 July 2015 An Undercover Investigation Has Found That Some Nhs Staff Charge Up To £15,000 To Organise “Advisory Board” Meetings For Drugs Companies. NHS managers are being paid thousands of pounds and treated to lavish trips by drug companies who are lobbying to get their products used, it has been alleged.…