Only US and Ukraine vote against UN resolution condemning Nazism. New Zealand abstains along with NATO countries

RT | 16 Dec 2021 The UN General Assembly has adopted a resolution condemning Nazism, neo-Nazism and all forms of racism, co-sponsored by Russia. The US and Ukraine voted against it, while 49 countries, mainly US allies, abstained. The resolution on “Combating glorification of Nazism, neo-Nazism and other practices” that contribute to racism, xenophobia and intolerance was…

US coalition spared ISIS oil production facilities in Syria – Russian MoD

RT January 4, 2017 The US-led international coalition did not bomb oil production facilities captured by Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) militants in Syria, Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Major General Igor Konashenkov has stated. “Miraculously, only oil fields, captured by ISIS allowing the militants to earn tens of millions of dollars every month on illegal…

JOHN PILGER: A Preview of The Coming War on China

Foreign Policy in Focus | 19 July 2016 John Pilger is a world-renowned journalist, documentary filmmaker and author. He has twice won Britain’s highest award for journalism. His films have won television academy awards in Britain and the US. Two of his films, on Cambodia and East Timor, are rated with the most important of…

Past Time To Rethink NATO

Anti War | 2 Aug 2016 With Democrats howling that Vladimir Putin hacked into and leaked those 19,000 DNC emails to help Trump, the Donald had a brainstorm: Maybe the Russians can retrieve Hillary Clinton’s lost emails. Not funny, and close to “treasonous,” came the shocked cry. Trump then told The New York Times that…

The Twilight of NATO

Voltaire Network | 13 July 2016 The history of NATO and its current activities enables us to understand how the West has woven its lies and why it is now a prisoner of them. The elements contained in this articles are shocking, but it is impossible to deny the facts. The only other solution is…

NATO Reaffirms Its Bogus Russia Narrative

Robert Parry | 11 July 2016 President Obama and NATO leaders signed on to the false narrative of a minding-its-own-business West getting sucker-punched by a bunch of Russian meanies, a storyline that suggests insanity or lies ’s unnerving to realize that the NATO alliance – bristling with an unprecedented array of weapons including a vast nuclear arsenal…