Weeks Before Election, Obama Sends Troops Near Russian Border

Kit Daniels
Prison Planet.com
Jan. 4, 2016
Weeks before the presidential election, the US began moving troops closer to the Russian border, which suggests the Obama administration had always intended to blame Russia if Donald Trump won the presidency.
Credit:  SAUL LOEB/AFP/Getty Images
Back in October, the US deployed Marines to Norway, which shares a 122-mile border with Russia and maintains enough military equipment at climate-controlled caves to equip 15,000 combat-ready Marines.
“The US initiative to augment their training and exercises in Norway by locating a Marine Corps Rotational Force in Norway is highly welcome and will have positive implications for our already strong bilateral relationship,” said Norwegian Defense Minister Ine Eriksen Søreide.
Around the same time, NATO pressured Sweden to permanently deploy troops to the strategic Gotland Island in the middle of the Baltic Sea, not far from Russia’ Kaliningrad Oblast.
“The Americans have repeatedly prompted the neutral Nordic countries to show their efforts to strengthen security in the region,” said geopolitical analyst Igor Nikolaichuk. “Namely, they should avoid standing on the sidelines and instead focus on countering the ‘Russian threat’ and showing unity in a desire to safeguard peace in the Baltic flank of NATO.”
Meanwhile, establishment insiders began privately worrying that Hillary Clinton would actually lose to Trump, including Clinton’s policy director Jake Sullivan who famously warned the campaign that Trump was pulling ahead.
And the day before the election, the Clinton campaign quietly cancelled a fireworks show meant to celebrate her victory.
“Looks like it’ll be strictly sparklers for Hillary Tuesday night… IF she wins,” TMZ reported on Nov. 7.
The Obama administration, which was never too friendly with the Clintons, may have forced Hillary to concede to Trump without too much of an initial fight knowing that, in the long-term, the globalists could try to delegitimize Trump by claiming he was installed by Russia.
On Wednesday, Obama deployed US special forces troops along the Russian border in Lithuania after imposing sanctions against Russia for “interfering” with the election despite offering insufficient proof.

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