The Fake News of CNN

Washington Free Beacon | November 28, 2016 [youtube]   Days after Donald Trump was elected to the White House, CNN launched a crusade against “fake news.” CNN has joined the New York Times in labeling fake news as a threat to the country. Washington Free Beacon reporter Bill McMorris wrote about how the Times exposed its readers to numerous fake news stories before the election.…

Washington Post Disgracefully Promotes a McCarthyite Blacklist From a New, Hidden, and Very Shady Group

The Intercept | 27 Nov 2016 THE WASHINGTON POST on Thursday night promoted the claims of a new, shadowy organization that smears dozens of U.S. news sites that are critical of U.S. foreign policy as being “routine peddlers of Russian propaganda.” The article by reporter Craig Timberg — headlined “Russian propaganda effort helped spread ‘fake news’ during election, experts…

Washington Post Names Drudge, Infowars, & Ron Paul As Anti-Clinton “Sophisticated Russian Propaganda Tools”

Zero Hedge November 25, 2016 The desperate flailing of a mainstream-media struggling through the five stages of grief continues as no lesser unbiased foundation of the fourth estate than The Washington Post pushes ahead with its “fake news, blame the Russians” narrative for why their candidate failed so miserably. Citing “two teams of independent researchers” (who surely…

Satellite Data Reinstates Global Temperature Pause

GWPF | 22 Nov 2016 Three (Perfectly Democratic) Reasons Donald Trump Will Smother The Paris Climate Deal Satellite data indicates a large fall in the temperature of the lower Troposphere back to pre-El Nino levels. This decrease has reinstated the so-called “pause” in lower atmosphere temperature. The decrease is seen in the land only data. Data…

Food regulations under review

NZCPR | 18 Nov 2016 Imagine being an artisan cheese maker, so proud of your product and your whole organic farming operation that you agree to Country Calender featuring you on their show. One would think that should be a good news story – but not so for 74 year old Biddy Fraser-Davies of Cwmglyn…

What to Do About ‘Fake News’

Robert Parry | 18 Nov 2016 In the wake of Donald Trump’s victory, a hot new issue – raised by President Obama in an international setting on Thursday and touted on The New York Times’ front page on Friday – is the problem of “fake news” being disseminated on the Internet. Major Internet companies, such…

Five Stunning Facts About the 2016 Election

Washington’s Blog | 15 November 2016 Here are 5 stunning facts about the 2016 election … (1) The Clinton Campaign Promoted Trump as a Republican Candidate Team Clinton promoted Donald Trump as a Republican candidate … because they thought he’d be easy to beat: (2) Sanders Had a Better Chance of Beating Trump … But the Democratic Establishment Sabotaged Him Polls…

Greenland Blowing Away All Records For Ice Growth

GWPF | 16 Nov 2016 U.S. Tornadoes Lowest Since Records Began Greenland’s surface has been gaining about 3.5 billion tons of ice per day since the first of September. This is about 50% above normal. This is occurring just as global land temperatures are cooling at a record rate. —Real Climate Science, 14 November 2016…