Eugyppius | 30 July 2022 Bittet, dann wird euch gegeben [ask then you will be given]. We asked that Paxlovid rebound not fail us now, in this our hour of deepest need, and ye gods, Biden has tested positive again. How common is Paxlovid rebound anyway? Maybe if you test as autistically as Biden and Fauci…

Farewell to James Lovelock (1919-2022)

Net Zero Watch | 29 July 2022 View this email in your browser   Farewell to James Lovelock (1919-2022)   I think you have to accept that the sceptics have kept us sane — some of them, anyway. They have been a breath of fresh air. They have kept us from regarding the science of climate…

Who Is Behind the Economic Collapse?

Mercola | 30 July 2022 STORY AT-A-GLANCE The PBS Frontline documentary “The Untouchables,” which originally aired in 2013, investigates the cause of the 2007-2009 financial crisis, and why Wall Street crooks escaped fraud charges related to the sale of bad mortgages Not one Wall Street executive was held accountable for this massive crisis, yet evidence…

It’s looking more and more like monkeypox is a cover story for covid vaccine-induced shingles, autoimmune blisters and herpes

Ethan Huff | 28 July 2022 One of the many adverse events linked to Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “vaccines” is reactivation of the varicella-zoster virus, which can manifest as herpes, chickenpox, autoimmune blisters, and monkeypox. In fact, monkeypox is often indistinguishable from chickenpox, which, when it manifests in adults is called shingles. A 1988 study on monkeypox…

New England Journal of Medicine: Unvaccinated COVID Patients Are Contagious for LESS Time Than those Vaxed or Boosted

The National Pulse | 22 July 2022 A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine showed that people vaccinated against Covid-19 remained contagious with the virus for a longer period of time than their unvaccinated counterparts. The disparity in contagiousness was particularly pronounced between the unvaccinated and individuals who did not receive a booster shot.…