New paper suggests Covid mRNA vaccination rates are linked to increases in overall deaths

Alex Berenson | 29 July 2022

Higher use of Covid mRNA shots correlates with a small but notable increase in all-cause mortality, according to a new paper from a Dutch researcher.

The paper draws on Dutch city- and town-level data on vaccinations and deaths to show that areas with high Covid vaccination rates have recently had high rates of all-cause mortality – deaths of all types, Covid or not.


Like many other European countries with high vaccination rates, the Netherlands has had high all-cause mortality for most of the last year, even when Covid deaths are excluded.

(Today, European statisticians reported yet another week of above-normal mortality, with almost 8,000 more weekly deaths than would be expected in midsummer:)

A few articles have recently mentioned the trend, although health authorities and most major news outlets continue to ignore it resolutely.



The finding in the new paper is particularly striking because the Netherlands has very high Covid vaccination levels nationally, so the differences between cities are relatively small. Almost every city had vaccination rates between 70 and 90 percent – mostly mRNA shots from Pfizer and Moderna, along with some DNA/AAV vaccines.

The paper found a “vaccination-correlated mortality rate” of about 5 percent of total mortality, meaning that 5 percent of deaths were skewed in patterns that reflected vaccination rates.

As the paper explains, the pattern does not prove that vaccinations actually caused those deaths, merely that the correlation exists. Still, since last summer, highly vaccinated countries have generally posted non-Covid death increases of 5 to 10 percent, the 5 percent figure is far from implausible.

A 5 percent increase in deaths may seem small, but by historical standards it is a huge annual change. It would translate into almost 175,000 extra deaths annually in the United States and more in Europe.

The paper has not been peer-reviewed, and its author, Andre Redert, is a computer scientist, not an epidemiologist (which is arguably a point in his favor). The

Redert finishes his discussion by acknowledging his paper’s “many shortcomings,” including its lack of age-stratified data, but writes:

Our main result remains alarming and calls for more research on the effect of current covid vaccines on all-cause mortality.

Don’t hold your breath.

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