Putin Makes Obama an Offer He Can’t Refuse

Counterpunch | 29 Oct 2015 Why is John Kerry so eager to convene an emergency summit on Syria now when the war has been dragging on for four and a half years? Is he worried that Russia’s air campaign is wiping out too many US-backed jihadis and sabotaging Washington’s plan to topple Syrian President Bashar al Assad? You bet, he is.…

The Next Climategate?

GWPF | 29 Oct 2015 NOAA Refuses To Comply With US Congress Subpoena The federal government’s chief climate research agency is refusing to give House Republicans the detailed information they want on a controversial study on climate change. Citing confidentiality concerns and the integrity of the scientific process, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)…

Russia’s Awesome Responsibility

NEO | 18 Oct 2015  The Russian decision to proceed with military support to the Damascus government has shifted the global geopolitical map significantly. For the moment Washington is choosing to react with words, no doubt planning carefully its next move. The Russian intervention has exposed the fraud of the US position in the Middle…

The Arab Spring: Made in the USA

Dissident Voice | 25 October 2015 Arabesque$: Enquête sur le rôle des États-Unis dans les révoltes arabes (Investigation into the US Role in the Arab Uprisings) is an update of Ahmed Bensaada’s 2011 book L’Arabesque Américaine. It concerns the US government role in instigating, funding and coordinating the Arab Spring “revolutions.” Most of this history has been…

Climate Scares Discredited

GWPF | 28 Oct 2015 Good news for wine drinkers – a leading international body says grape vines are a hardy little number and can survive climate change, at least over the medium term. Earlier harvesting, changes in grape varieties and new wine-making processes have already helped counter the impact of the harsher weather hitting vineyards…

Court decision puts Hager back in frame

NZ Herald | 28 Oct 2015 Ruling that hacked files used for book are property means charges possible Dirty Politics author Nicky Hager may face criminal charges over accepting the hacked material used to write the bombshell book, according to documents obtained by the Herald. Police will not say whether the investigative journalist is again…