Intel Officer Reveals How Obama Could Be The ‘First President In History’ Convicted Of This Crime

Daily Headlines | 9 May 2020

Lt. Col Tony Shafer basically calls Obama a Soviet-leader and liberals head begin to spin. It is coming out now that Obama did in fact spy on Trump during the 2016 election, and to make this victory even better, it is being revealed that Obama’s crime is massive and he could actually be indicted on felony charges for it! Shafer goes on to state that what he is dubbing “Obamagate” is an even bigger scandal than Watergate was.

What liberals called unbelievable and fake is, in fact, a reality and quite believable. Obama is as crooked as they come, and maybe We the People will finally be seeing some justice even if it is only for this one crime. Obama had high hopes of some kind of nefarious take-over against our sitting administration, and this may have just thrown a huge kink in his plans.

Now former intelligence officer Lt. Col Tony Shaffer just revealed that Obama’s wiretapping was not only a federal crime but says that the results of this investigation will likely result in Obama being brought up on FELONY CHARGES. The colonel’s dire prediction about Obama’s future is sending shock-waves through the black hearts of liberals all across America today, as it’s now thrown a monkey wrench into Obama’s plans to stage his “political comeback” this fall.

In a recent interview with Trending Today USA,  Lt. Col Tony Shaffer called ‘Obamagate’ an “order of magnitude” even bigger than the Watergate scandal because the incident included “using nation-state resources for purposes of political gain.”

When asked if Obama could be arrested for violating the law, he said that it would be the “first time a former president could be indicted for a felony.”

Lt. Col Tony Shaffer

“…I think it is very possible that he acted outside of the scope of his duties, responsibilities, and authorities to turn the resources of a nation-state on a candidate. This is, as I’ve said before, soviet-dictator level wrongdoing,” he added.

Shaffer said that Obama using government resources to spy on Trump was for the sole purpose of getting Hillary into office, as Obama hoped the wiretapping would produce enough “dirt” on Trump to sabotage his presidential run.

Given Shaffer’s lengthy military career, his rise to the top of the American intelligence community, and his current senior position at the prestigious London Center for Policy Research, his prediction about Obama shouldn’t be scoffed at. Being brought up on felony charges would completely destroy Obama’s plan of making his political comeback this year, as he’d be trying to figure out a way to keep himself out of prison instead of spending his hours obsessing with ways to bring Trump down.

The Hill reported on just how extensive Obama’s spying truly was, as this unconstitutional move wasn’t just limited to listening in on Trump’s calls. They reported:

If these reports are accurate, it means U.S. intelligence agencies secretly surveilled at least a half dozen Trump associates. And those are just the ones we know about.

Besides Manafort, the officials include former Trump advisers Carter Page and Michael Flynn. Last week, we discovered multiple Trump “transition officials” were “incidentally” captured during government surveillance of a foreign official. We know this because former Obama adviser Susan Rice reportedly admitted “unmasking,” or asking to know the identities of, the officials. Spying on U.S. citizens is considered so sensitive, their names are supposed to be hidden or “masked,” even inside the government, to protect their privacy.

In May, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates acknowledged they, too, reviewed communications of political figures, secretly collected under President Obama.

After getting away with whatever the hell he wanted over the past 8 years and wiping his butt with the Constitution, it looks like Obama’s cockiness might just be his undoing. He might have gotten away with his antics in the past, but things are vastly different now that Obama doesn’t have all his minions blocking all investigations into his crimes as was the case when he was president.

If this colonel’s prediction is, in fact, true, Obama’s little plan to keep trolling Trump with his little shadow government from the headquarters of his D.C. home could soon be coming to an abrupt end. How poetic would it be that after spending 8 years pandering to terrorists and trying to destroy America that Obama could live out the rest of his life behind bars in an orange jumpsuit? Sounds like perfect justice for America!

It would be great to see not just Obama but also his little rag-tag bunch behind bars,, and if all reports are correct there are a few who could be indicted right along with him should the powers that be decide to follow through. Hillary managed to get away with literal murder, but will Obama be as lucky?

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