Clapper Admits Trump Could Have Been Wiretapped During Manafort Surveillance

Paul Joseph Watson | 21 September 2017
“It’s certainly conceivable”

James Clapper, former Director of National Intelligence under President Barack Obama, admitted during an appearance on CNN last night that it’s possible President Trump’s conversations could have been wiretapped.

The admission is yet another indication that Trump was right when he tweeted that Obama had wiretapped his conversations, despite widespread ridicule towards the claim at the time.

During a March 2017 appearance on Meet the Press with Chuck Todd, Clapper asserted that, “There was no such wiretap activity mounted against the president elect at the time, or as a candidate, or against his campaign.”

This was proven to be false by the revelation that Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort had been wiretapped both before and after the election.

Clapper said he stood by the claim he made on NBC during his CNN appearance last night, but appeared to be anxious and refused to re-iterate it.

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