American Boots on the Ground. US Troops Take Over Syria Airbase. Kurdish YPG Gives US Sole Control Over Base | 21 January 2016 The Kurdish dominated Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) are reporting today that US troops have taken over control of the Rmeilan airfield in northeastern Syria’s Hasakeh Province, the first US military base inside Syria. The SDF reported that the Kurdish YPG, their largest faction, previously controlled the base and handed sole control over…

Obama Announces Ground Troops in Syria and Iraq | October 27, 2015 Move follows death of Special Operations soldier in Iraq The move was recommended by Obama’s senior national security advisers. Carter said the new strategy against the Islamic State will include raids like the one that killed Master Sgt. Joshua Wheeler of the U.S. Army’s Special Operations Command. “The changes we’re…

Anti-Assad Conspiracy: Western Fingerprints All Over Syrian Civil War

Sputnik | 3 Oct 2015 Western countries are willing to grant asylum to Syrian refugees, but are still unwilling to stop adding fuel to the fire of the Syrian civil war, Greece-based independent humanitarian journalist Fragkiska Megaloudi notes. The so-called Syrian opposition has not appeared out of nowhere: between 2006 and 2010 Washington spent 12 million dollars…