Tony Blair grilled by MPs over Libya

Sky News | 11 Dec 2015 Tony Blair has been defending his dealings with the former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi. He was questioned by MPs about the UK’s foreign policy on Libya while he was prime minister and after. [youtube] Blair denies ‘protecting’ Colonel Gaddafi Former Prime Minister Tony Blair has denied trying…

The Curse Of Col. Gadhafi | 25 April 2015 When they destabilized Libya and overthrew strongman Muammar Gadhafi in 2011 the U.S. and its Canadian and European allies unleashed a series of events that accounts for the steady flood into Europe of migrants from North Africa. There are, purportedly, “up to 1 million” poor, uneducated, possibly illiterate, predominantly male,…

The Mainstream Media and the Destruction of Libya

Media Lens | 18 March 2015 Love For Libya: 2011-2015 Islamic State’s horrific mass beheading of 21 Coptic Christians last month forced a reluctant UK media system to return to Libya, scene of saturation news coverage in 2011. Then, the media lens hovered obsessively over every Libyan government crime – indeed, over every alleged and…

NATO Knew Its Intervention In Libya Would Create Chaos And Aid al-Qaeda

What’s Left | 2 March 2015 Canadian military intelligence knew that NATO’s March 2011 intervention in Libya would aid militant theocratic Islamists aligned with al-Qaeda and could create long-term chaos in the country, according to David Pugliese, a reporter with The Ottawa Citizen, who obtained Canadian intelligence documents. At the time, NATO military leader, U.S.…

CIA Asset Joins Islamic State in Libya

Kurt Nimmo | | March 4, 2015 Abdelhakim Belhadj has reportedly joined forces with the Islamic State, according to the journalist Sara Carter. Belhadj is a former al-Qaeda operative who was a key player in the overthrow of Moammar Gaddafi. He worked directly with the U.S. and NATO. Kyle Shideler writes for The Washington…

SKULLDUGGERY: Staged Egyptian Executions in Libya ‘Expose’ ISIS Fraud Again

21st Century Wire | February 22, 2015 In the latest highly produced video released by ISIS media arm Al Hayat Media Center, we see a very stylized event, complete with professional editing, positional audio and carefully planned multi-cam shots, producing shocking images that evoke an emotional response, rather than a rational one… The new ISIS propaganda video entitled “Signed…

NATO bombs cleared the path for IS in Libya

The Globe and Mail | 18 Feb 2015 In the midst of the Libyan rebellion of 2011, foreign affairs minister John Baird dropped into Benghazi. Fired up to support the foes of Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi, the Harper government and other NATO countries, notably France and Britain, were bombing positions across Libya. Mr. Baird proudly…