ZAG! Russia does another “Libya” at the UNSC

The Saker | 14 April 2015 This just in: the UNSC has adopted resolution “imposes an arms embargo against the Houthi rebels in Yemen and the allied forces loyal to former President Ali Abdullah Saleh”.  How crazy is that?! An international coalition of thugs lead by the Saudis and al-Qaeda is conducing a large-scale aggression…

Guess Who’s Loving Saudi Bombs in Yemen?

Lew Rockwell | 5 April 2015 As the US-backed Saudi bombing of Yemen enters its second week, more than 500 people — including many civilians — have been killed, what infrastructure existed in the impoverished country has been destroyed, and the ousted president cheers on the destruction of his country within the protective embrace of…

Yemen and The Militarization of Strategic Waterways

Prof Michel Chossudovsky | Global Research | April 04, 2015 This article was first published by GR more than five years ago (7 February 2010) sheds light on America’s unspoken military agenda: the control over strategic waterways  (GR Ed. M. Ch) “Whoever attains maritime supremacy in the Indian Ocean would be a prominent player on the international scene.” (US…

Yemen Echoes of 1930s Aggression and Descent into Barbarism

SCF | 31 March 2015 Both the Arab League and the United Nations have fully transformed themselves into the ill-fated League of Nations that more than 70 years ago disgraced itself into oblivion when it failed to condemn foreign aggressions that eventually led to the cataclysm of World War Two.  As delegates gathered in Egypt’s…

The Geopolitics behind the War in Yemen

SCF | 30 March 2015 The United States and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia became very uneasy when the Yemenese or Yemenite movement of the Houthi or Ansarallah (meaning the supporters of God in Arabic) gained control of Yemen’s capital, Sanaa/Sana, in September 2014. The US-supported Yemenite President Abd-Rabbuh Manṣour Al-Hadi was humiliatingly forced to…

The Money Trail: How the US Fostered Yemen’s Separatist Movement

Sputnik | 27 March 2015 Welcome to phase two of US regime change operations. After Yemen’s 2011 revolution failed and Houthi militias overthrew President Hadi, forces trained and sponsored by the US government are being activated as a separatist movement. The Southern People’s Committees (SPC), founded around 2007 although USAID has been conducting political workshops as part of a $695,000 project and…