Hillary Clinton’s ‘Bleak Week’: Emails Show Response to WikiLeaks Revelations

VIce | 2 Sept 2015 It was a “bleak week.” That’s how US State Department director of policy planning Anne-Marie Slaughter described it in a November 2010 email to Hillary Clinton, one day after WikiLeaks caused an international diplomatic crisis when it released more than 250,000 classified cables from US foreign embassies around the world. Clinton, who…

How Ethical: UK Govt Using Operational Psychology to Manipulate You Online

Sputnik News | 11 Aug 2015 Not long ago a top secret document revealed the role psychology had in the extensive surveillance methods used by the UK’s Government Communications Headquarters. But the legacy of such cognitive behavioral surveillance methods remains unchallenged. Leaked by WikiLeaks and published by The Intercept, the report ‘What UK spies do to you — in their…

Government hacking reaches new levels

NZ Herald | 1 July 2015 What else have those spy agencies busied themselves with, apart from undermining the the US technology industry with surveillance efforts? How about reverse-engineering, or cracking as it’s also called, security software in order to hack and surveil targets? Not only that, but tracking users of antivirus and security products…

How the NSA Started Investigating the New York Times’ Warrantless Wiretapping Story

The Intercept | June 26, 2015 Three days after the New York Times revealed that the U.S. government was secretly monitoring the calls and emails of people inside the United States without court-approved warrants, the National Security Agency issued a top-secret assessment of the damage done to intelligence efforts by the story. The conclusion: the information could…

‘Weaponizing Vulnerabilities’: New Snowden Doc Reveals Spy Agencies Targeted Smartphones

Common Dreams | May 21, 2015 The ‘Five Eyes’ alliance exploited weaknesses in popular browser and planned to hijack links to app stores to implant spyware on mobile phones, new documents show The intelligence alliance known as Five Eyes—comprising the U.S., Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and Australia—exploited security weaknesses in one of the world’s…