TPP-TTIP-TISA: The new wave of colonization

The WikiLeaks Channel | 11 Aug 2015 This world government corporate fascist takeover Never before in all of human history has national sovereignty been under threat by supranational trade regimes as it is today. This unprecedented power grab by globalist (transnational corporations and international organizations) interests is the end game which will ultimately establish a…

Trump’s Triumph: Billionaire Blowhard Exposes Fake Political System

Counter Punch | 7 Aug 2015 Last night’s FOX News GOP Presidential Debate Extravaganza featured the most riveting two minute political exchange ever heard on national television. During a brief colloquy between Republican frontrunner  Donald Trump and Fox moderator Brett Baier, the pugnacious casino magnate revealed the appalling truth about the American political system, that…

Jimmy Carter: The U.S. Is an “Oligarchy With Unlimited Political Bribery”

The Intercept | 31 July 2015 Former president Jimmy Carter said Tuesday on the nationally syndicated radio show the Thom Hartmann Program that the United States is now an “oligarchy” in which “unlimited political bribery” has created “a complete subversion of our political system as a payoff to major contributors.” Both Democrats and Republicans, Carter said, “look upon this…

“Sentence First, Verdict Afterwards”: The Alice in Wonderland World of Fast-tracked Secret Trade Agreements

Web of Debt  | 21 June 2015 Let the jury consider their verdict,’ the King said, for about the twentieth time that day. `No, no!’ said the Queen. `Sentence first–verdict afterwards.’ `Stuff and nonsense!’ said Alice loudly. `The idea of having the sentence first!’ `Hold your tongue!’ said the Queen, turning purple. `I won’t!’ said…