The war on democracy: John Pilger documentary

John Pilger | 2007 [vimeo 16724719 w=500 h=281] ‘The War On Democracy’ (2007) was John Pilger’s first for cinema. It explores the current and past relationship of Washington with Latin American countries such as Venezuela, Bolivia and Chile. Using archive footage sourced by Michael Moore’s archivist Carl Deal, the film shows how serial US intervention,…

US policy towards Russia

CFR | Dec 2014 These four articles provide background and perspectives on the United States’ tense and complex relationship with Russia, especially in the context of Ukraine’s political crisis. Many hoped that the end of the Cold War twenty-five years ago would herald a new era of cooperation between the United States and Russia. Instead,…

EU-proposed sanctions against Israel

Barak Ravid | Haaretz | 17 Nov 2014 Haaretz obtains full document of EU-proposed sanctions against Israel Sanctions could apply to Israeli politicians opposed to the two-state solution, which could include Bennett and Rivlin; steps against European companies working in settlements; punitive measures against Palestinians over ‘negative measures.’ An internal European Union document on proposed…

When Henry Kissinger Makes Sense

Robert Parry | Consortium News | 12 Nov 2014 Exclusive: Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger disputes the mainstream U.S. media’s view of the Ukraine crisis, noting that Russia’s response was reactive to the West’s actions, not the other way around. But the MSM keeps up the drumbeat about Russian “aggression,” writes Robert Parry. By…

Has Washington Just Shot Itself in the Oily Foot?

William Engdahl | New Eastern Outlook | 6 Nov 2014 By now even the New York Times is openly talking about the secret Obama Administration strategy of trying to bankrupt Russia by using its oil-bloated Bedouin bosom buddy, Saudi Arabia, to collapse the world price of oil. However, it’s beginning to look like the neo-conservative Russia-haters…