The Globalization of Special Forces

Voltaire Network 19 May 2014 Manlio Dinucci   Special Forces have been designed to use military means to conduct unconventional warfare operations, mainly to cause riots and murder political opponents. Washington already secretly used them in 78 countries, while denying the very existence of their missions, although their budget exceeds 10 billion dollars annually. The…

Hillary’s Boko Haram Problem

Kurt Nimmo May 17, 2014 The GOP is getting up to speed ahead of the 2016 dog and pony show. It has deployed America Rising, the super PAC launched by Mitt Romney operative Matt Rhoades, to take on Hillary Clinton, the only viable Democrat candidate. Tim Miller and Joe Pounder, two RNC media strategists,…

Is the West DIRECTLY Responsible for the Massacres In Ukraine?

Washington’s Blog May 18, 2014 FireDogLake reported on Monday: Breaking during the weekend was a story by Der Spiegel and Bild that American mercenaries were on the ground in Kiev. According to the report 400 mercenaries from Academi (formerly Blackwater) were on the ground “involved in a punitive operation mounted by Ukraine’s new government.” Der Spiegel claims “the…

Leaked Documents Reveal Marine Corps ‘Urban Training Center’ Based on U.S. Town

Mikael Thalen May 16, 2014 RELATED: Police Now “Armed For War” Against Returning Veterans Newly leaked Marine Corps’ documents detail yet another military urban training center that more closely resembles a small U.S. town than a foreign combat zone. The document, entitled “Military Operations on Urban Terrain Collective Training Facility,” details the specifics of…

Science as McCarthyism

NATIONAL REVIEW ONLINE May 15, 2014 4:00 AM Science as McCarthyism Another scientist gets blackballed for his skepticism about global warming. By Rupert Darwall   On Monday, Washington Post columnist Michael Gerson took a tilt at climate skeptics. “The assumption that the vast majority in a scientific field is engaged in fraud or corruption…