SOMETHING Has Landed In Canada And MILITARY Has It Surrounded

Conspiracy Club | 22 Feb 2015 In response to reports this week of mysterious lights over Jackhead Reservation in Manitoba, Canada, a possible UFO crash into Lake Winnipeg and military forces on snowmobiles pulling a large disc out of the lake, a spokesperson for the Canadian Forces said it was just a military training exercise.…

Why the Rise of Fascism is again the Issue

John Pilger | 26 February 2015 The recent 70th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz was a reminder of the great crime of fascism, whose Nazi iconography is embedded in our consciousness. Fascism is preserved as history, as flickering footage of goose-stepping blackshirts, their criminality terrible and clear. Yet in the same liberal societies, whose…

The Foiling of a Coup Plot in Venezuela

Gloria La Riva | CounterPunch | 25 February 2015 A coup plot against President Nicolas Maduro and the Bolivarian Revolution was thwarted this week as a retired Venezuelan Air Force general and 10 military and civilian opposition figures were arrested. The bombing of the Presidential Palace, the National Assembly, Telesur TV network, the Defense Ministry and…

Citizen Torture Site Discovered In Chicago | February 26, 2015 Americans are being held without access to the outside world or legal representation Alex Jones reveals the newly discovered black site in Chicago where Americans’ rights are being taken away. Some of the activities include off the books interrogation of political activists and suspected criminals. Americans are being held without…