Why are London’s Police travelling to Israel?

Wakeup Act | 29 Nov 2014 In the six month period from 1st March 2014 to 31st August 2014, Eighty of London’s Metropolitan Police staff travelled to Israel. This period coincides with Operation Protective Edge, the recent bombardment and massacre of of over 2000 Palestinians in Gaza. British armed response unit Recently it was revealed…

A Society of Captives

Chris Hedges | Truthdig | 7 Dec 2014 Mayor Bill de Blasio’s plans to launch a pilot program in New York City to place body cameras on police officers and conduct training seminars to help them reduce their adrenaline rushes and abusive language, along with the establishment of a less stringent marijuana policy, are merely…

US Defense Department Organizing Covert Operations against “the General Public”

By Thomas Gaist | World Socialist Web Site | November 19, 2014 The US Defense Department (DOD) is developing domestic espionage and covert operations targeting “the general public” in coordination with the intelligence establishment and police agencies, according to a New York Times report. “The Times analysis showed that the military and its investigative agencies have almost as many…

The FBI: America’s Secret Police

John W. Whitehead | The Rutherford Institute | 4 Nov 2014 We want no Gestapo or secret police. The FBI is tending in that direction. They are dabbling in sex-life scandals and plain blackmail. J. Edgar Hoover would give his right eye to take over, and all congressmen and senators are afraid of him.—President Harry…

2010 Rockefeller Foundation Document Envisions Pandemic Police State Scenario

by Mikael Thalen | Infowars.com | October 27, 2014 “Even after the pandemic faded, this more authoritarian control and oversight of citizens and their activities stuck and even intensified” A May 2010 scenario planning report produced by The Rockefeller Foundation and the Global Business Network envisions the likely creation of a technological police state in…

Document: Army Preparing to Use Lethal Force Against “Unarmed Civilians” During “Full Scale Riots” in U.S.

by Paul Joseph Watson | August 18, 2014 A document released by the U.S. Army details preparations for “full scale riots” within the United States during which troops may be forced to engage in a “lethal response” to deal with unruly crowds of demonstrators. The appearance of the document amidst growing unrest in Ferguson, Missouri, with…