New Study Finds Those Vaccinated Against COVID-19 Were Up 7x More Likely to Be Hospitalized When Compared to the Naturally Immune

Nature | 21 Nov 2023 Abstract A large proportion of the world’s population has some form of immunity against SARS-CoV-2, through either infection (‘natural’), vaccination or both (‘hybrid’). This retrospective cohort study used data on SARS-CoV-2, vaccination, and hospitalization from national health system from February 2020 to June 2022 and Cox regression modelling to compare…

Philippines’ House of Representative initiates a formal investigation into excess deaths

AUSSIE17 | 27 Nov 2023 PharmaFiles by Aussie17 BREAKING: Philippines’ House of Representative initiates a formal investigation into excess deaths! Watch now (1 min) | In a surprising move, the Philippine’s House of Representative has initiated a formal investigation into a staggering number of unexplained excess deaths. Citing official statistics, Deputy Speaker of the House…

Washington Post Attack on Nobel Prize-Winning Climate Sceptic Backfires Spectacularly

CHRIS MORRISON | 23 Nov 2023 The Washington Post recently broke mainstream media ranks and launched a spiteful attack on last year’s Nobel Physics prize winner, Dr. John Clauser. Recently Dr. Clauser has come out strongly against the notion that there is a climate emergency, but his remarks have been ignored by journalists following a ‘settled’ narrative. Unfortunately, the WaPo stunt…

Not 14M Lives Saved, But Over 17M Dead from the mRNA COVID vax

ROBERT W MALONE MD, MS | 24 Nov 2023 Lancet Infectious Diseases must retract this fundamentally wrong “peer reviewed” manuscript. But what happens when a Nobel Prize is granted based on bad data? CORRELATION Research in the Public Interest is a registered not-for-profit corporation based in Ottawa, Canada. Denis Rancourt Denis has a PhD…

Member of the European Parliament, tells of the shocking facts about the Covid19 shots found in a response from the European Medicines Agency.

Coronavirus Plushie | 22 Nov 2023 The EMA explicitly states that it has exclusively allowed the corona vaccines on the market for individual immunisations. And absolutely not for the control of infection and absolutely not for preventing or reducing infections. And this is devastating for governments that have gone full circle with the message that…

TURBO CANCER DATA – Pfizer & Moderna COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines Cause Turbo Cancer – The data is finally coming out! UK Cancer deaths (Ed Dowd)

DR. WILLIAM MAKIS MD | 21 Nov 2023 I’ve written over 40 articles on Turbo Cancer on this Substack since February 2023. Now the data is finally leaking out! New Report: Young People Dying of Cancer at ‘Explosive’ Rates, UK Government Data Show An analysis of U.K. government data shows an unprecedented increase in cancer…

Covid lockdowns were NO more effective than Swedish-style softer approach, major Oxford University-backed study suggests

Daily Mail | 17 Nov 2023 Covid lockdowns were no more effective at controlling the pandemic than letting people adapt their own behaviour to the threat, a major Oxford University-backed study suggests.  Researchers modelled virus death and unemployment rates in response to different pandemic policies. Results showed imposing blanket shutdowns, which forced people to stay…

German News Report on Covid Vaccines and ‘Turbo Cancer’ Withdrawn in “Frontal Assault on Freedom of the Press”

ROBERT KOGON | 21 Nov 2023 This past September 21st, the German news agency epd – the news agency of the German Protestant Church – published a potentially explosive report titled ‘Coronavirus Vaccines: Doctors and Researchers Express Concerns‘. The concerns in question were, more precisely, about a possible link between mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines and rapidly-developing or “turbo”…