Did “tea party darling” Paul Vallely help facilitate military satanism?

News With Views | 17 July 2015

Part 1, Was he truthful to his Tea Party and Women Defending America followers about his relationship with key Satanic leader, Michael Aquino?

Perhaps reading this, the first of 4 articles planned for the next 4 weeks on this sobering subject, it might be helpful to review the principles of Hegelian Dialectics – controlling both sides to direct all to the desired planned destination. Reading the Bible would help even more. I particularly recommend the passages about deception that could, if possible, “deceive even the Elect.” For those of you who believe you are “Elect” and therefore immune, I suggest you are perhaps now the most vulnerable. One of my all time favorite writers Fr. Seraphim Rose )1934-1982) before his death in his sobering book ORTHODOXY AND THE RELIGION OF THE FUTURE made this picturesque observation:

“Satan, it would seem, is now entering naked into human history.”[1]

Given the not so hidden links between American military leadership and one of the country’s most significant Satanic leaders, obviously Satan has clearly entered very much naked into our human history, yes right here in the USA. Most have failed to see it, even though there have been abundant warnings, some albeit from rightfully questionable sources, but generating enough smoke to tell us we should be cognizant of lurking fire.

The first part of this four part planned series will give you warning about a figure presently revered in Tea Party, Constitutionalist and Patriot circles. He is General Paul A. Vallely. In 1980 in his role as a military person in charge of “PsyOp” and military intelligence circles, he commissioned self-confessed Satanist. Lt. Colonel Michael Aquino to co-author a study with him. Both were inspired by another military New Ager, General John Alexander who wrote his enthusiastic 1980 paper, Beam Me Up Spock. This proposed using New Age tactics and practices as a cost effective method in the United States Army. All this took place before there was any suspicion that a backlash might develop to the New Age Movement. I personally did not discover the existence of the New Age Movement until 1981 and my book on the subject that also included some military developments was released in mid 1983.

General Vallely released in 2014 and 2015 statements to his followers claiming that not until AFTER this did he learn of Michael Aquino’s Satanism. General Vallely tells his followers that he (Vallely) was the one who investigated and discovered Aquino’s Satanism – post 1980. He then says that there was nothing that could be done. Satanism was a recognized religion in the United States Military and as such protected under the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. Besides, Aquino was a brilliant man and had done fine military intelligence work.

Aquino’s military intelligence work included a self-publicized trip to Himmler’s SS castle where Aquino while on a US Military trip to inspect NATO bases went inside to meditate and invoke the same demons propelling World War II Nazi forces. Aquino called this the “Welwelsberg Working

What Vallely does not tell his followers was that Michael Aquino’s Satanism was known to all the United States military (per Aquino) since his (Aquino’s) original commissioning in 1968. Bluntly, either Aquino or Vallely are lying about the knowledge and the time line. In this case, I must reluctantly conclude it is General Vallely.

I may well have written the first major report about the Aquino – Vallely protective relationship. This was part of my Constance Cumbey’s NEW AGE MONITOR, Vol. 1, No. 2, June-July 1986 newsletter. It was a 14 page report on New Age developments in the United States military. You may have this newsletter from me free of charge by emailing me at [email protected] with the words AQUINO VALLELY NEWSLETTER in your subject line. I will email you back that newsletter together with Linda Blood’s book on THE NEW SATANISTS. A once girlfriend of Michael Aquino, she was my then confidential informant on the protective liaison between Aquino and then “Brigadier General Paul Vallely.” As she subsequently released her own book and made it freely available in the public domain, the need for confidentiality no longer exists.

The subject of Jon Ronson book and subsequently titled movie, THE MEN WHO STARE AT GOATS was earlier covered by me in my 1983 released book, THE HIDDEN DANGERS OF THE RAINBOW: THE NEW AGE MOVEMENT AND OUR COMING AGE OF BARBARISM.

The subject is once again critical because General Vallely and his associates have injected themselves into the Tea Party Movement. They are using extreme incitement techniques that have included forming Platoons and backing a planned but fizzled “Operation American Spring” (a 10 million man 2014 march on Washington that would include camping out by these forces until they brought the government down and convened military tribunals to try and punish Congressional, Judicial and Executive Forces that were brought down by this hoped for revolution that would emulate the Arabic Spring operation that brought down Egypt and several other Middle East governments.

Always the radical center, General Vallely has recently announced that he is forming a group of retired American generals to advise all Presidential candidates on national security needs. Noble as the thought may appear, it appears to this seasoned but cynical eye that nobody who wins, General Vallely and his forces will win. And since General Vallely has obviously lied about his timeline and role with Michael Aquino, ex-leading member of Anton Szandor LaVey’s Church of Satan and founder of the even more radicalized Temple of Set, the American people have a right to know of the more sinister forces either behind or being concealed.

And when American women are urged to form armed and uniformed platoons to “take back America,” one cannot help but wonder, given the context of PSYOP’s (i.e. brainwashing) if the excuse to put the long and rightfully feared martial law in place.

Next week: General Vallely’s released 2014-2015 statements minimizing his Aquino relationship, Psyops, brainwashing, and other military New Age/Occult operations.

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