VIDEO: Interesting interview with Nigel Farage at the RNC, talking Brexit & Donald Trump

McClatchy | 20 July 2016
Nigel Farage, a leader of Britain’s Brexit movement to leave the European Union, said other nations might leave EU too.
He predicted Denmark, the Netherlands and Sweden might be next.
Farage also said he wouldn’t give full support to Donald Trump, but he “wouldn’t vote for Hillary Clinton if you paid me”.

Nigel Farage, the leader of the Brexit movement to leave the European Union, thinks Britain may be joined by others who want independence from the EU.
Farage predicted that Denmark, the Netherlands and Sweden could be next, resulting in Dexit, Nexit and — yes — Sexit.
Farage said his predictions were based on the same factors that motivated people in Britain. Namely, that many people didn’t want to give up democratic control of their country to the EU in Brussels.
“The only way you can take control of your country is to leave the EU and take control of your borders,” Farage said in an interview with Steve “Buzz” Thomma, McClatchy political editor.
Farage said the work for Brexit and taking on the establishment has “all been worth it.”
“I could have gone down the patron saint of lost causes,” Farage said.
He also said he has no doubt that Britain will be out of the EU by 2019. He is unsure, however, of the terms they will get.
Farage’s Leave movement has drawn comparisons to Donald Trump’s movement in the U.S.
“If the ordinary people who have completely given up … if you can inspire those people to go out and vote you can change the world,” he said.
Farage would not offer “full-throated support” of the Republican presidential nominee. But he was “not surprised” Trump got the nomination.
“I’ve been called over the top once or twice but I think some of Donald Trump’s comments are pretty out there,” Farage said. He added later, “When he gets condemned by everybody, rather than retracting, he goes a little bit further.”
He offered a more severe critique of Hillary Clinton, the Democratic presidential candidate.
“I wouldn’t vote for Hillary if you paid me,” Farage said.
He said voters were tired of the Clintons’ entitlement.
“You might as well introduce the House of Lords in Washington,” he said.

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