The Ukraine/Azov Connection to January 6

The Missing Link | 20 June 2022

Understanding the storming of the capitol requires understanding Ukraine

“I tell you, on the day of judgment people will give account for every careless word they speak, for by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.”

Evidence continues to mount of a coordinated effort to provoke what the media is fond of calling an “insurrection” on January 6, 2021. I will be calling it the January 6 false flag as I have from the beginning—not because I’m Mr. Big Brain, but because the data have always fit that analysis better than they have ever fit the insurrection narrative.

Ex-CIA analyst Larry C. Johnson alleges that members of the Azov Battalion—a Ukrainian Nazi militia—were flown to Washington D.C. to intentionally incite the events of January 6.

[Even if you’re not interested in the Jan. 6 stuff, the entire interview is worth watching.]

Johnson has an informed, independent point of view, and since leaving the intel world, he’s become the subject of a sustained discrediting campaign. Just look at his colorful Wikipedia page. See the section on Russia, and if you’re a regular reader, you’ll see echoes of some of the intel misinformation and media mythologies we’ve been talking about.

According to Johnson, Azov members were flown in by Alexandra Chalupa, the co-convener of the Democratic Party’s National Ethnic Council.

Chalupa worked with the Ukrainian Embassy to dig up dirt on Paul Manafort’s ties to Russia, viewed by many as a political attempt to damage Trump in 2016. Chalupa herself called it a political issue, so I guess that settles it. Andrii Telizhenko, a former political officer in the Ukrainian Embassy, claimed “there was direct coordination between the DNC and the Ukrainian government.”

Azov…Ukraine…January 6—it may seem coincidental because of what’s happening in Ukraine at the moment, but a more accurate way of thinking about Ukraine and the rest of it is to imagine in your mind a massive laundromat.

Ukraine, its leadership, its politics, its armies, its oligarchs, its Nazis, its biolabs, its billion dollar payouts—these are all used as a massive interconnected front that launders America’s politicized, monetizing, power-hungry, geostrategic, professional class-aligned interests to grease the wheels of whatever campaign our institutional class is interested in at the time.

Ukraine is a useful black hole of money and morality—a gift that keeps on giving. A successful Russian invasion threatens all of it.

Is Larry Johnson’s claim about Ukrainian involvement in January 6 realistic? Devastatingly so.

Investigative journalist George Eliason has been following the issue since day one as an American resident living in the Donbas. He has identified Ukrainian ultra-nationalist/military elements at play, especially a very visible Sergei Dybynyn who was “given medals by former Ukrainian President Poroshenko for his sabotage work in Donbass” and just so happened to be present at the capitol that day.

Dybynyn with the Q Anon Shaman

It’s no wonder Dybynyn took a pic with the Q Anon Shaman. Dybynyn was initially misidentified as a pro-Russian activist by a Q Anon information source that helped propagate fake 2020 election fraud evidence. Never, ever, ever trust Q Anon stuff. The misidentification of Dybynyn as pro-Russian is a guidepost for how misdirection works when one attempts to cover up actual information. This is a Q Anon mainstay. Think carefully about what that means.

Far from being some pro-Russian operative, Dybynyn actually has an arrest warrant put out by the pro-Russian Lugansk People’s Republic because of his alleged assistance in terrorist activities. He and several others charged at the time worked for a Ukrainian TV station called Inter, and all of those charged have various ties to Western/pro-Ukrainian allegiances. Dybynyn’s sympathies are undeniably pro-Ukrainian.

Whether or not they engaged in any terrorist activities as their charges allege is debatable. It could all be a political stunt, and they could all be fairly normal reporters with a pro-Ukrainian bent. The fact remains that these guys are not sympathetic to the pro-Russian side, and Dybynyn’s presence at the capitol on January 6 and his photograph with the Q Anon Shaman are inexplicable apart from someone having prior knowledge of what was going to happen. The same must be said of John Sullivan, the Nightcrawler provocateur, who was filming that day.

Dybynyn was a cameraman for the Inter station once upon a time, and his buddy Ruslan Shmeshuk was a field correspondent. They did pro-Ukrainian field reporting together during the 2014 battle of Donetsk airport between Ukrainian forces and separatists. See where their sympathies lie…

Dybynyn (right )and Shmeshuk (left) holding up their beloved Cossack Crosses, awarded to Ukrainian military members for outstanding service.
No photo description available.
In 2019, Shmeshuk (front) bragged about driving 240km just to wave to President Zelensky. In his social media post, he takes a jab at Yanukovych, the former president who was ousted after the 2014 Maidan Western-backed coup.

Here’s perhaps the most important Ukrainian connection to the riot. The following was filmed by Glavred and released one day after the riot.

As Eliason points out, Glavred (or its exclusive video source, which may have been Dybynyn himself) knew exactly where to be placed and when to film the infiltration. An unlikely coincidence.

Glavred is a Ukrainian media group that’s part of 1+1, owned by Ukrainian oligarch (and Zelensky sugar daddy) Igor Kolomoisky, who became well-known as the co-owner of Privatbank when $4.5 billion went “missing” under his watch back in 2016.

1+1 actually has the exclusive rights to show Zelensky’s TV show and anything else that comes out of his production company in Ukraine. It is likely his production company, Kvartal 95, received millions in backdoor funding from Kolomoisky leading up to the show’s release. His widely acclaimed show “Servant of the People,” which got picked up by Netflix, featured Zelensky playing an everyman president on TV. The show helped launch an actual party and Zelensky’s actual presidential campaign.

Ironically, the show revolved around Zelensky’s character as a vocal opponent of oligarch-influenced corruption in the country.

This is just one angle of that fateful January 6 day, but it reveals much about the scope of what goes on between Ukraine and particular U.S. institutional interests and how it can affect us here in the States.

As a reminder, a court filing shows 20 FBI and ATF assets have been identified so far. Many more “Suspicious Actors” are being investigated by a Jan. 6 defense counsel, video of whom show earpieces in some of their ears. I suspect the scope of this will never be entirely revealed as too many have a stake in keeping shocking and perhaps exculpatory evidence from being released, but if the Michigan entrapment case is any indication, this will be a long slog toward the truth.

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