Texas Sues Pfizer for Lying about Vaccine Effectiveness and Conspiracy to Censor Discussions

IGOR CHUDOV | 2 Nov 2023

Great news! The state of Texas sued Pfizer for false advertising and selling a fraudulent product.

Pfizer is also accused of a conspiracy to silence its critics, in a well-reasoned accusation.

I predicted this about a year ago:

Igor’s Newsletter

German Press Discusses Pfizer Vaccine Trial Fraud. Will “Covid Reckoning” Follow?

I am pleasantly surprised to see the mainstream German publication Die Welt openly asserting that clinical trials of the “Pfizer COVID vaccine” were rife with fraud. (paywall-free German language link, PDF with English translation) What a change! Again…

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9 months ago · 755 likes · 611 comments · Igor Chudov

I predict that Pfizer will lose this particular lawsuit. Pfizer lied publicly, and the facts are available for all to see. (we, Covid-antivaxxers, saw them first, of course)

Over a year ago, I expressed hope that, someday, Google and Facebook will face “covid vaccine lawsuits” for conspiring to hide the dangers of Covid vaccines from the public.

Igor’s Newsletter

Google and Facebook Owe Compensation to COVID Vaccine Victims

This post outlines a legal theory and explains why, in my personal opinion, Google and Facebook owe monetary compensation to the numerous victims of “Covid vaccines”. Several other Internet companies like Twitter should also be included in this discussion, but for brevity, I will only discuss Google and Facebook…

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a year ago · 441 likes · 285 comments · Igor Chudov

Such lawsuits may be a few years away, but I am hopeful. Read the above on how people may receive up to $15,000 per person from the above-mentioned Internet giants, who profited mightily on the pandemic but committed evil acts by misleading the public.

Do you think that Pfizer will lose in court?

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