Russia’s Ukraine Miscalculation

Paul Craig Roberts | 30 June 2022 Russia’s Ukraine miscalculation dates to 2014 when the Kremlin refused the request of the Donbass Russians in Eastern Ukraine to be reunited with Russia.  Historically part of Russia, the Donbass region was attached to the Ukrainian province of the Soviet Union by Soviet leaders as was Crimea.  These Russian populated…

Ukraine War: 120 Days

SWPRS | July 2022 A no-nonsense analysis of the ongoing Ukraine war and its global impact. Military Situation The initial Russian offensive (“phase 1”) consisted of a direct advance from Belarus to the northern gates of Kiev and the simultaneous opening of multiple fronts in the north-east, east, and south of Ukraine. There have been…

The Ukraine/Azov Connection to January 6

The Missing Link | 20 June 2022 Understanding the storming of the capitol requires understanding Ukraine “I tell you, on the day of judgment people will give account for every careless word they speak, for by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.” -Jesus Evidence continues to mount…

‘Mass grave’ near Mariupol is a lie

Internationalist 360 | 28 April 2022 According to recent Western media, Russian forces have buried up to 9,000 Mariupol civilians in “mass graves” in a town just west of the Ukrainian city. These reports use satellite imagery as supposed evidence and repeat the claims of officials loyal to Kiev that “the bodies may have been buried in layers” and “the Russians dug trenches…

A good summation of Ukraine conflict

Defense Politics Asia | 25 May 2022 This is the DPA’s Segment on “When peace breaks out. The state of international relations after the Russian” of the LIVE event hosted in Italy, recorded from DPA’s end. (So its gonna look different from the one recorded/streamed from the host’s end) The full event video with subtitles…

The Return of Nazism

Radical | 17 May 2022 swings, roundabouts and Black Suns “I won’t have to. He’ll come to me. I’m more important to him now than you’ll ever be.” American History X (1998) 1) Payton Gendron 18 year old Payton Gendron stands accused of committing the worst racial mass-shooting in American history. Gendron shot thirteen people, eleven of whom…