The Paris Terrorist Attacks, “9/11 French-Style”

Global Research | 14 Nov 2015


1-Hollande-ScandalThe Paris Terrorist Attacks, “9/11 French-Style”, “Le 11 septembre à la française”

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, November 14 2015

Within minutes following the attacks, France’s media went into overdrive. News commentators and intelligence analysts on network TV stated with authority that the attacks emanated from Syria and Iraq.

message-francois-hollandeParis Terror Attacks: Blowback or False Flag? France Declares a State of Emergency

By Stephen Lendman, November 14 2015

Multiple likely well-planned Friday night attacks in Paris had a disturbing aroma to them – including France’s knee-jerk police state reaction. Here’s what happened.

Paris Attack NovemeberCONFIRMED: French Government Knew Extremists BEFORE Paris Terrorist Attack

By Tony Cartalucci, November 14 2015

The Terrorists who took part in an unprecedented attack in the center of Paris killing over a 100, were well-known to French security agencies before the attack took place.

libya_rebels-tankUnder the Disguise of The “Battle against Terrorism”: The U.S., Britain and France Support “Al Qaeda in Syria”

By Phil Greaves, November 14 2015

This article first published in May 2013 documents France’s role in supporting terrorist formations in Syria.

ISIL invasionTwenty-six Things About the Islamic State (ISIL) that Obama Does Not Want You to Know About

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, November 14 2015

The US led war against the Islamic State is a big lie. Going after ”Islamic terrorists” is used to justify a military agenda. The Islamic State is a creation of US intelligence. Washington’s “Counter-terrorism Agenda” in Iraq & Syria consists in Supporting the Terrorists.

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