The Muslim Brotherhood, Nazis, British Intel and the Syrian crisis: an historical trajectory

Atlas Monitor

17 Dec 2013

As the Syrian crisis drags on it is worth examining the history and origins of one of the actors in this crisis; the Muslim Brotherhood and in particular its connection to British Intelligence and the Nazi Party.

Relations between the regime of Nazi Germany and the Arab/Muslim world are well documented as German Minister for Armaments and War Production (WWII), Albert Speer – among others, wrote extensively about.

Iraq sided with the Axis powers during World War II, as did the Muslim Brotherhood. This is a matter of historical record. Anti-Jewish/Zionist sentiment is common ground between radical Arab/Muslim groups and the Nazi Party – that shouldn’t come as too much of a shock to most folk. Nationalism is another common denominator between the two groups.

The Muslim Brotherhood was established in Egypt in 1928 during the period of British control over the country. British connections with radical Islamist insurgency go back to the time of “Lawrence of Arabia” when British military leader T. E. Lawrence led an Arab revolt against the Ottoman Empire during World War I. Lawrence hired radical Muslim/Arabs as personal security.

British Intelligence would have a great interest in the Muslim Brotherhood and indeed did take a great interest and it shouldn’t necessitate a quantum leap to understand the feasibility and conceivability of alliances between Muslim Brotherhood and Nazi Germany; as well as Muslim Brotherhood and Imperial Britain.

The Muslim Brotherhood is a significant faction of the anti-Assad opposition in the US/NATO backed radical insurgency that has resulted in the Syrian crisis. This has been reported by Reuters; the Carnegie Middle East Centre; The New York Times and numerous other media.

One must consider that the Muslim Brotherhood is banned from contesting elections, in accordance with the constitution, in Egypt. The Muslim Brotherhood has no legal standing in Egypt. Mohammed Morsi didn’t stand as a Muslim Brotherhood candidate and Brotherhood members often stand as independents.

The Muslim Brotherhood is a complex organisation which contains, among its many moderates, a radical faction that has spawned Islamic Jihad and other such radical groups.

Relations between the West (US and European powers) and radical groups are well documented and perhaps best exemplified by the Carter/Brzezinski doctrine.

In a seamless continuity of agenda Ronald Reagan also supported the Afghan Mujahideen “freedom fighters”.

This is all part of the historical trajectory of the Muslim Brotherhood  that points to the recent events in Syria which have brought into focus the historical role of the Muslim Brotherhood.



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